Friday 15 November 2013


I am unique. There has never been a me before and i have no copy.
I am original and produce no phonies
I am a voice not somebody’s echo. I speak, the world listen, situations change, impossibilities become possible
I am a man of purpose, the world stand aside to let me pass
I am a man of vision made for progress. In my life, there are no dull moments. The world is not complete without me because a part of God is in me He wants the world to see. History is not complete until I manifest. It is my time; the world has been waiting for me
I am a bundle of health; I have God’s kind of life. Prosperity, riches & wealth lives with me to use for God’s glory and to heal mankind
I am fruitful like God; my children are glorious just like God. They are more than money can buy
I am a giver; I give abundance and it multiplies unto me daily. I wear abundance like a garment: abundance, peace, favor, health, money, estates, relationships, gifts of the spirits, wisdom, are mine
I am heir of the kingdom; prosperity is my birth-right
I am always on time
I am faithful
I am attentive
I am a focused person
I am an eternal youth, youthful and strong and filled with energy every single day
I am productive and profiting
I am fruitful and multiplying
I am having a wonderful health
I am rich
I am bright and intelligent
I am a creative person
I am in charge of situations and circumstances of life, they respond positively to me
I am a genius, blessed beyond description and a blessing to my generation
I am given the world what it has never seen before.
I am occupying my place in destiny. I cannot be denied
I am unstoppable anointed by the Holy Spirit
I am full of Joy, Peace and Health
I am growing stronger, fresher and more successful everyday
I am a co-creator with God
I am producing signs, wonders, miracles, gifts of the Holy Spirit with God’s word on my lips
I am a shining star, a superstar
I am crowned with glory and honour
I am fearfully and wonderfully made
I am seated with King Jesus in the Heavenly places
I am healed and walking in abundance health
I am rich and prosperous  
I am a king reigning with the King of Kings. The world and everything in it responds to me positively
I am royalty, I was born into it
I am supremely over and above all ungodly entities
I am God’s works man-ship created in Christ Jesus with God’s own materials
I am the apple of God’s eye. He just can’t take His eye off me
I am in His thoughts day and night. His mind is full of me. WHAT LOVE!!!!!
I am accepted in the beloved, free from rejection. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are my room-mates, we live, we move and we have our beings together
I am justified from the past and it has no hold over me. God sees me in the picture of Jesus. He looks at me through the blood and He sees His image and likeness
I am linked with majesty no longer tied to parental, cultural, geographical limitations. I have access to the authority of the name of Jesus, the power of God’s word, the life in the blood of Jesus and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
I am blessed to remember continuously that angels are for me and with me. They minister to my need providing help and protection. OH WHAT A LIFE!!!!
I am appreciating today that all things work around together for my benefit, profiting and glory
I am free from the law and the curse of the law. God’s grace is my heritage, Abraham’s blessings are mine, the Holy Spirit and His gifts are mine blessed estate
I am happy and full of gratitude every morning and I go to bed at night full of gratitude to God for a day well spent
I am full of joy because the Lord Jesus dwells in me and I carry Him everywhere I go. He is there for me always.
I am free from sickness, diseases and infirmities
I am redeemed from destruction, the curse of the law and my enemies

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