Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Do you seek relief for your sin-sick soul
you to christ, then, must make appeal.
There’s no other one who can make you whole,
You must come where the blood can heal!

Refrain: you must come where the blood can heal,
               you must come where the blood can heal;
               There’s no other one who can make you whole!
               You must come where the blood can heal!

Vain are all your hopes of another cure,
Be persuaded, you now, to feel,
Help alone, thro’ Christ, that you can secure
You must come where the blood can heal!

Other proffered aids can but you deceive
At your will, unto life, they steal!
You must look to Christ if you’d hope receive,
You must come where the blood can heal!

Hear you not? ‘Tis there a decoying voice,
Striving ever to quench thy zeal;
Would you from Him turn, refuge safe to find;
You must come where the blood can heal!

If you would arise from your bed of pain,
To the counsel of Christ then kneel,
‘Tis precribed by Him, and your only hope,
You must come where the blood can heal!

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