Monday 4 November 2013


What kind of love is this?
That a man should lay down his life for me. I didn’t know him, yet he came to suffer for me. I don’t understand why yet He rose again for MY FREEDOM.
What kind of love is this?
I was a sinner destined for the grave and condemned to hell and I turned to see if any one will die for me to turn away the judgment that was passed upon me, I found none. But this Jesus came, He said” I am the good shepherd who lay down His life for His Sheep” (John 10:11)
I was sick and I turned to see if any one could take it from me or share it with me, I found NONE but this Jesus came, He said “I am the LORD that healeth thee”, see my body that was broken for you” (Ex. 15:26, 1Peter 2:24)
What kind of love is this?
I was burdened with the yoke of sin (murder, fornication, adultery, abortion, stealing and many evil from my childhood) and I turned to see if I could find perhaps a friend, a brother, who could help remove the burden, I found none, but this Jesus came, He said “I am the burden bearer, cast your troubles and pains upon me and you shall be free” (1 Peter 5:7) look at my head, thorns of life, the curse upon you is broken. You are free (Gal 3:13)
What kind of love is this?
I tried drug it didn’t work, Jesus said “My peace I give it to you” (John 14:27). I thought in marriage and business I would fine all the answers but I was wrong, Jesus said “without me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5). I turned to everyone I knew and ask,” do you love me they said yes and I ask will you die for me? There was NO ANSWER then I turned to Jesus and asked what is your name? He smiled and said “LOVE” (I John 4:8)
What kind of love is this?
That a man should be mocked, beaten and killed for me; that a man should leave His glory and suffer for me; that He should die for my deliverance; that he should be raised for MY FREEDOM?. I asked Jesus “why the cross? “He said it was the COST that took the CURSE off my destiny and death away from my life.

What kind of love is this?
I didn’t understand but I know this love that a man should lay down his life for me.
Thank you Jesus.
Are you born again? Are you in bondage? Are you sick?
Please pray this prayer with all your hearth. “Almighty God, I believe with all my heart that you sent Jesus to die for my sins and that through Him I might receive eternal life” (Rom 6:23, Rom 10:9-10)
I confess that I am a sinner born into sin and living in sin. I repent of my sins and old ways. Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and personal savior. Wash me with your blood, Save me, deliver me, heal me and fill me with the Holy Spirit to serve the Living God.

Thank you Jesus, I am born again, I am free, I am healed and filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. 

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